Questionnaire for measuring digital competence bkengen on 1. mars 2021 Output two in the project was to develop a questionnaire for measuring digital competence among student teachers. Below we have postet the final version(s) of the questionnaire that have been developed, as well as Norwegian and Spanish translations English questionnaireNorwegian questionnaireSpanish questionnaire Feel free to download, reuse, revise, etc. Category: Intellectual Outputs Tag: measuring digital competence, Questionnaire Innleggsnavigasjon Previous: Previous post: Sharing good practices across Europe when developing ICT in teacher education (DICTE)Next: Next post: Digital competence in teacher education: comparing national policies in Norway, Ireland and Spain Legg igjen en kommentar Avbryt svarDin e-postadresse vil ikke bli publisert. Obligatoriske felt er merket med *Kommentar * Navn * E-post * Nettsted Lagre mitt navn, e-post og nettside i denne nettleseren for neste gang jeg kommenterer. Δ