Special issue: Digital Competence for Teachers. Perspectives and foresights for a new school
Vol. XXVII, n. 61, 4th quarter, October 1 2019

Thematic Editors
Dr. Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio – Universidad de Valencia – España
Dr. Héctor Hernández Gassó – Universidad de Valencia – España
Dr. Bård Ketil Engen – Universidad Metropolitana de Oslo – Noruega
This special issue is presented as a contribution to the analysis and discussion of both the theoretical and practical aspects related to TDC, its impact on teacher training and the future challenges and difficulties that it presents. To this end, this monographic reflects on the need for technology in future teachers’ initial and ongoing training from different perspectives. Such reflection will surely allows the different models for handling TDC that have been developed in recent years to be considered in more depth and, in addition, it propose specific experiences that could be applied in different educational contexts.