ECER 2018 – Bolzano, Italy

From the left: Greta Björk Gudmundsdottir (UiO), Tonje Hilde Gæver, Louise Mifsud, Bård Ketil Engen (OsloMet), Oliver McGarr (UoL), Ole Edvard Hatlevik (OsloMet), Adrian McDonagh (UoL).
The collaboration between the five institutions has so far resulted in a pilot survey in the autumn 2017 where 1463 first-year student teachers were asked to answer the same questions, in their local language, on self-reported digital competence, attitudes towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning and fincluding questions on cyber ethics.
In the symposium at ECER we gave a short introduction to the DICTE project, our objectives and methods.
Developing Student Teachers’ Digital Competence (DiCTE) An Introduction to the Project
This was followed by three paper presentations that each explored targeted areas of developing ICT in teacher education. These are all areas of general relevance for developing ICT in teacher education throughout Europe.
The first paper was based on the first output, a literature review of the concept of digital competence, highlighting some of the current debates within the field as well as the historical roots of the concept digital competence. The review will serve as a foundation for the survey tool that is being developed.
Digital Competence in Teacher Education: Historical roots and current manifestations.
The second and third papers were based on a pilot survey from autumn 2017 in the participating countries Ireland, Norway and Spain. The second paper examined student teachers’ attitude towards ICT in learning, focusing on discussing the validity of the questions on attitude toward ICT to ensure that variation in results across countries are not due to the existence of measurement bias. The last paper explored cyber ethics through a cross-country analysis.
Student teachers’ attitude towards ICT: An analysis of perceived usefulness
Student across teachers , ICT and cyber four European ethics countries